Low Back Pain

Effective Chiropractic Care for Low Back Pain Relief

Are you familiar with back pain? If so, you're not alone. Research shows that 80% of individuals will experience low back pain at some stage in their lives, with incidence rates on the rise.

Modern sedentary lifestyles, characterized by increased sitting and decreased movement, are believed to contribute significantly to the prevalence of low back pain. This condition can stem from various sources, including everyday activities like shovelling snow, sports-related injuries, inadequate sleep, high-stress levels, or underlying health conditions like arthritis. Fortunately, effective assistance is available.

Chiropractic care offers a non-invasive approach to managing and treating low back pain. Through spinal manipulation, chiropractors realign and mobilize the spine while alleviating pressure on muscles and joints. By targeting the root causes of pain, chiropractic care effectively addresses a broad spectrum of issues associated with back pain.

Chiropractic treatment is beneficial for numerous common causes of low back pain, such as herniated discs, sciatica, spinal stenosis, and arthritis. These treatments aim to reduce inflammation, enhance posture, and enhance the ease and comfort of everyday activities like walking, sitting, and standing.

At Restore Health and Sport, located in New Minas, our team of chiropractors is dedicated to helping you overcome back pain by:

  • Performing adjustments to enhance low back mobility

  • Prescribing at-home exercises and stretches

  • Identifying and addressing any bodily imbalances contributing to your pain

  • Offering education to prevent future flare-ups

Experience relief from back pain with our personalized chiropractic care approach at Restore Health and Sport.

Man suffering from low back pain in bed

Back Pain We Treat

  • Pain originating from your intervertebral disc can be excruciating. It can often result in shooting leg pain, decreased strength and even drop foot.

    The pain can seem like it will never get better, but with the right help and movement strategies, most patients return to feeling normal within 6 to 8 weeks.

  • Often referred to as hip pain, SI joint pain is pain at the back of your pelvis. Your SI joint is where your sacrum (top of your tailbone) and your pelvic (Ilium) meet.

    Going from sitting to standing, walking upstairs and walking on uneven ground can irritate your SI joint pain. Decreasing muscle tension and lifestyle modification go a long way to help manage this pain.

  • Sciatica is pain caused by irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the longest and widest nerve in the body. It begins in the lower back and runs through the buttock muscles, down each leg, and its branches enter each foot. Sciatica is pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve. Patients with sciatica can experience lower back pain, but leg pain is the most consistent symptom. The pain may be sharp and shooting, or it may be a constant, dull ache. Sciatica can also cause numbness, tingling, or weakness in the affected leg.

    Common causes of sciatica include herniated discs, spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal column), and degenerative disc disease. Sciatica is also common in pregnant women. To treat sciatica, we use a combination of soft tissue, massage, adjustments and exercises to decrease tension on the sciatic nerve.

  • Lumbar stenosis is an arthritic change in your low back. Arthritis can either cause a bone to protrude in certain spots or cartilage to shrink. In the case of stenosis, the bones have protruded into areas where nerves run. Often this causes the nerve to be irritated because it has less space to move. This nerve irritation causes leg pain and decreases your ability to walk long distances.

    Although this sounds terrible, there are three main things we can do to help. First, we educate our patients on ways to move, so they have less pain. Second, we encourage movement into your back with manual therapy techniques. Exercise is the third aspect of treatment and the most important for long-term pain reduction. Specific exercises will promote increased space in your back so the nerves can have less irritation, and you can resume the activities you love to do.

  • Arthritis is a term to describe changes to your joints. Osteoarthritis is part of the natural aging process. Like wrinkles on your face, arthritis on an x-ray is an indication you may be aging. Osteoarthritis can cause your joints to have decreased range of motion. This reduced range of motion irritates the joint. It often results in pain and stiffness first thing in the morning and with certain activities throughout your day.

    Although you can not reverse the effects of arthritis, you can manage the symptoms. Our Restore Health and Sport team uses the latest research to give you the tools to manage your arthritis pain. Manual therapy, exercise and bracing can all have positive effects in decreasing your pain

  • Are you dealing with low back pain? Our chiropractic office specializes in treating strains and sprains, offering personalized care to help you find relief.

    Low back strains and sprains affect muscles, ligaments, and tendons in the lower back. They're often caused by sudden movements or improper lifting techniques.

    Symptoms like pain, stiffness, and limited motion can hinder your daily activities. Whether it's heavy lifting, poor posture, or sudden twists, various factors contribute to these injuries.

    Our chiropractors offer tailored treatments to address your specific needs. From realignment and soft tissue therapy to exercises and lifestyle adjustments, we focus on promoting healing and preventing future issues.

    Don't let low back pain disrupt your life. Take the first step toward relief by booking a consultation with us today. Your journey to wellness starts here!