Massage therapy. Treating muscles while you unwind.

Massage Therapy

Are you currently staring at a screen, feeling tense and overwhelmed by your never-ending to-do list?

Restore Health and Sport invites you to indulge in the rejuvenating experience of massage therapy. Whether you're grappling with screen-induced tension or overwhelmed by tasks, our sanctuary awaits you.

Picture yourself stepping away from the chaos for just 30 minutes, or perhaps an hour, to prioritize your well-being. Say goodbye to distractions, obligations, and that persistent guilt – it's time to prioritize self-care.

Located in the heart of New Minas, within the bustling Annapolis Valley's commercial hub, our massage appointments offer a haven for relaxation. Conveniently situated, you can seamlessly blend errands with self-pampering, all without the added stress.

And here's the best part – with evening appointments available, you can bid farewell to the day's worries as you sink into a blissful massage, paving the way for a tranquil night's sleep.

From relieving screen-induced tension to soothing your weary soul, let Restore Health and Sport be your oasis of calm in New Minas, NS.

Relax with Restore

Our massage therapists, April Mitchell and Kirby Greenman, are skilled in releasing knots and tension. Indulge in the luxury of essential oils, gua sha stones, and soothing hot towels, tailored to your unique needs.

We offer various massage types, from deep tissue to relaxation, ensuring the perfect pressure for you. Additionally, specialized massages are available:

  • For runners, athletes, or those on their feet all day, our targeted foot massage provides relief.

  • Suffering from jaw pain? Our TMJ massages are designed to alleviate discomfort.

  • Expecting mothers needn't worry about discomfort; our therapists have techniques to ease pregnancy aches and pains.

Take care of yourself and your body by booking a massage appointment today