Shoulder and Arm Pain

  • Man with shoulder pain

    Rotator Cuff Pain

    Rotator cuff pain syndrome is a painful condition of the muscles and tendons that rotate your shoulder. The pain can start suddenly or slowly in the front, side, or back of your shoulder.

    Rotator cuff pain syndrome can make lifting your arm and moving it behind your back difficult. Sleeping can also be problematic because laying in one position may only be comfortable for a short time.

    Proper diagnosis and treatment can resolve your shoulder symptoms and return movement to normal.

  • A woman wirh frozen shoulder

    Frozen Shoulder

    Frozen shoulder (also known as adhesive capsulitis) is characterized by stiffness, pain, and a limited range of motion in the shoulder. It can occur in one or both shoulders due to inflammation and thickening of the shoulder joint. Currently, researchers are unsure of the cause of frozen shoulder. However, we do know it happens more in people who are in their 50s and also in diabetics.

    Symptoms usually make it difficult to perform activities that require shoulder movement, such as reaching, lifting, or pushing. Common symptoms include pain, limited range of motion, and a grinding or creaking sound when moving the shoulder. Treatment involves reducing pain and increasing shoulder movement through rehabilitative exercises.

  • Shoulder pain

    Subacromial Pain Syndrome

    Subacromial pain syndrome is pain located in front of the shoulder, in the area known as the subacromial space. Subacromial pain syndrome occurs when the area's tendons or bursae (tiny fluid-filled sacs that cushion the tendons and muscles) become inflamed or irritated.

    Irritation is often due to overuse injuries or repetitive strain. Patients often present with this after overhead activities like painting, weight lifting and electrical work. Symptoms of subacromial pain syndrome include pain in the front of the shoulder, difficulty lifting the arm, pain at night and weakness in the arm and hand.

    At Restore Health and Sport, our chiropractors treat subacromial pain with rehabilitative exercise, chiropractic adjustments and soft tissue therapy.

  • Person holding their wrist  due to carpal tunnel, in pain over a laptop.

    Carpal Tunnel

    Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that occurs when the median nerve, which runs from the arm into the hand, becomes compressed or squeezed at the wrist. The median nerve controls movement and sensation in the hand and is responsible for transmitting signals from the brain to the hand muscles.

    Carpal tunnel syndrome is characterized by numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hand and fingers. It is often caused by repetitive hand movements, such as typing or using a mouse, or by underlying conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or diabetes. The condition can also be caused by swelling or inflammation in the wrist, which can put pressure on the median nerve.

    At Restore Health and Sport we treat carpal tunnel syndrome with a combination of ergonomic advice, acupuncture, soft tissue therapy and we may also suggest wrist supports.

  • A man holding his elbow in pain becuase of tennis elbow

    Tennis Elbow

    Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is a condition that causes pain and tenderness on the outside (lateral) part of the elbow. It is typically caused by overuse of the muscles and tendons in the forearm that are responsible for moving the wrist and hand. Tennis elbow is common among tennis players and other athletes who use the same muscles repeatedly, but it can also be caused by activities such as painting, gardening, or using a computer mouse for extended periods of time.

    Symptoms of tennis elbow include pain on the outside of the elbow that may radiate down the arm, difficulty gripping objects or making a fist, and weakness in the wrist and hand. The goal of treatment at Restore Health and Sport is to manage the load on your elbow with exercise, ergonomic recommendation and bracing.

  • Man holding his shoulder becuase of biceps tendinopathy

    Bicep Tendinopathy

    Biceps tendinopathy is an irritation of the tendons in the biceps muscle located in the upper arm. Biceps tendinopathy results from your tendon's inability to handle the load on its tissues. While common in weight lifters or sports that involve throwing motions, biceps tendinopathy can also occur from pulling on a dog leash or carrying groceries that are too heavy.

    Symptoms of biceps tendinopathy include pain in the upper arm, particularly when lifting or rotating the arm, and weakness in the arm and hand. Our main goal of treatment is to decrease discomfort while making the bicep tendon stronger. We achieve this with a combination of soft tissue therapy, education, exercise and kinesiology taping.

  • Golfer's Elbow

    Golfer's Elbow

    Golfer's elbow, also known as medial epicondylitis, is a tendonitis affecting the inside of the elbow. It is caused by repetitive wrist and arm movements, particularly those involved in sports like golf, throwing, and racquet sports.

    Symptoms of golfer's elbow include pain, stiffness, and tenderness on the inside of the elbow. Pain can also radiate down the forearm in some cases. Treatment for golfer's elbow includes modifying activities, bracing if necessary, and chiropractic care focusing on exercise therapy.

  • TOS- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

    Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

    Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) is a condition that occurs when the nerves or blood vessels of the thoracic outlet (the space between the collarbone and the first rib) become compressed. It can cause pain in the shoulder, neck, and arm, as well as numbness and tingling. In some cases, it can also lead to muscle weakness.

    At Restore Health and Sport, our chiropractors use a combination of soft tissue therapy, ergonomic recommendations, exercise and spinal mobilizations or manipulations. We recommend that TOS get massage therapy to release tension along the arm, chest and neck to speed recovery.

  • Wrist Pain

    Wrist Pain

    Wrist pain can have many causes, including traumatic injuries, overuse, restricted joints, and more.

    Traumatic injuries, such as falls, can cause sprains, fractures, and other injuries to the wrist. Repetitive motions, such as those associated with certain sports or hobbies, can cause overuse injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome or De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis. Arthritis is also a common cause of wrist pain.

    Our chiropractors will examine your wrist to determine the cause of your wrist pain. Treatment typically consists of exercise, acupuncture, adjustments, ergonomic recommendations, and bracing when necessary.